Want to set up a budget but don't know where to start? We've got you covered.
If you're completely new the budgeting, it can be confusing and sometimes intimidating. We get it! SkyBudget is designed to help you along your way to taking control of your money.
Some of the steps to set you up with a successful budget can seem really simple but very effective.
Tip #1 - Know your current spending habits
This seems like a simple step but it really is so important, particularly if you want to start changing your spending habits. It can be hard to take an honest look at your current spending habits but by knowing exactly how much you spend, and on what, it will set you on the path to truly controlling your money.
By knowing exactly what you currently spend you can create an easy-to-follow budget and make small changes over time to create lasting changes.
Tip #2 - Decide on a budget
After knowing what you currently spend, now you can decide on what you should include in your budget. If this is your first budget, we recommend setting up a budget that reflects your current spending habits.
Remember, sometimes just knowing where your money is currently going can be the first step to knowing what effective changes you can make down the track.
Tip #3 - Spend the money you have
If you're saving towards a goal, or just need to get on top of your budget, this is so important! It's not always easy but by spending within your budget you are taking control of your money, not allowing your money to control you.
If the unexpected pops up - as it frequently does - you can move envelope balances as needed to cover these expenses.
Tip #5 - Make the most of SkyBudget features
A few of the top features is below to get you set up in your budget. For a full list of features. See our App Features.
Your budget will function best if you set up your Budget Period in line with the frequency of your income
You can set up your envelopes with varying periods. For example you may set up a weekly coffee envelope but a yearly envelope for your car registration of Christmas gifts.
Always keep a Savings envelope where you van put in any additional cash you have not allocate to your other envelopes.
Tip #4 - If you have extra money, save it!
You will never regret saving any extra money!
When you get paid, SkyBudget will automatically distribute the money between envelopes so you will have enough to cover your bulls, envelopes etc. If there's any leftover, we highly recommend popping the extra in your savings envelope.
Always remember that your budget should work for you
SkyBudget is designed to help you take control of your money. By following a budget, you will be able to take total control of your money.
Ready to start your trial? SkyBudget is available on iOS and Android.